Pre-transition fertility preservation is available here at NRM should an individual like to discuss with our team of experts. Fertility preservation ideally would be discussed prior to undergoing any medical or surgical transition therapies but there are also options for this discussion after starting medical transition as well.
Options differ depending on the direction of transition, the assigned sex of the current/future partner, and stage in the transition process.
Banking a frozen sperm sample prior to starting treatment is ideal.
If hormonal treatment has already begun, it is possible to assess sperm to see if there is any available sperm to freeze VS discussing temporarily stopping treatment in order to allow sperm production to resume. Sperm can then be collected and frozen for banking.
Freezing eggs to be stored and used in a future IVF procedure is an option for preservation of fertility.
A patient can undergo egg retrieval and have the eggs fertilized by sperm. Embryos can then be cryopreserved, or implanted into a uterus.
Patients who have not undergone surgical transition and still have a uterus can also choose to carry a pregnancy prior to transition if they are willing to stop HRT treatment effects during that period.